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with The I Do Society.

We are so much more than just advertising services — we are your growth strategy team! Your membership will include unlimited strategic coaching on all areas of your marketing, unlimited ad campaigns (Google Ads, Meta Ads, TikTok Ads), plus access to a community of growth-minded business owners just like yourself.

The range of monthly cost for membership is $1250 – $1800 and depends on your individual needs which we determine during a membership meeting.
Your membership investment is separate from your advertising spend, which is paid directly to your ad accounts. This amount can be any amount you are comfortable with – and we’ll give you expert guidance on what amount to start with.
This amount can vary widely depending on your location, the number of people in your ideal audience of brides/couples, and how fast you want to increase your reach. A general rule of thumb is to plan a minimum advertising budget of $1000 per month.
You do! Your advertising spend is paid directly to ad accounts that you own.
Our team is highly collaborative, however having one main point of contact will ensure speedy communication. You’ll build a relationship with a member of our team who will serve as your main point of contact.
Once you become a member, we start with intense strategy guidance. We’ll be evaluating every part of your business that impacts your advertising campaigns and we will work with you to get anything up to speed that is needed. Next we build & launch your ad campaigns. Then, we continually optimize, test and strategize with you as you grow.
Reaching and engaging your ideal brides/couples at scale begins immediately when ad campaigns are launched. The size of your target audience and your advertising budget will factor in, and we’ll provide you with expert guidance each step of the way so you reach and convert your ideal audience as quickly as possible.
The first step is to book a membership meeting. During this meeting we’ll determine if we’re a good fit for each other. This is a collaborative discussion. We want to build long term relationships with growth-minded businesses like yours. If we are a fit for each other we’ll send you our membership agreement, and start the onboarding process.
Once you’ve signed your membership agreement we’ll have a kick off meeting where you’ll meet your main point person and together we’ll craft a detailed plan & timeline for creating and launching your ad campaigns.
It’s necessary that you have a growth mindset and are willing to make changes to your website, your processes & strategies – so you can effectively convert the brides/couples who find you via ads. You must not be looking for a quick fix, a band aid, or a magic solution. You must be able to dedicate time to communicate & meet with our team regularly.

ideal couples


We now reach our

would not have found us otherwise.

– Rhonda
The Waterside Venue